The Blockchain is the ultimate true source for pricing
As NFT use cases continue to increase exponentially, NFT transactions are becoming more complicated as bundle mints, sales, swaps, and other kinds of exchanges proliferate. In addition, the volume of transaction activity outside the NFT marketplace exchanges will continue to grow. So relying solely on the NFT marketplace for sales activity provides an incomplete picture. BlockSpan directly parses complicated blockchain transaction activity including internal activity between contracts and ERC20 token transfers to provide the most accurate pricing for your applications. Our algorithms return pricing data within our endpoints for the vast majority of transactions. In the small number of cases where our algorithms are unable to attribute pricing accurately, it will be returned as null.
The Price Object
The Price object contains all the details that went into attributing the value associated with the NFT token transfer but simplifies into only 4 fields that your application need care about:
- hash_nft_count: The number of NFT token transfers in the transaction indicating whether single or bundle
- price: The actual sale price in the original currency that was used for the transaction
- price_currency: The original currency used for the transaction
- price_usd: The equivalent sale price in USD using the exchange rate at the time of the transaction
The currency and erc20_transfer objects simply provide additional details into the tokens (native and ERC20) that were exchanged as part of the transaction including the addresses involved
"price": [
"contract_address": "0x3bf99d504e67a977f88b417ab68d34915f3a1209",
"id": "1042903",
"hash": "0x496b66fe7b5283f0af730a5f43289a2b6dcdccb195653e24a236b52e8bec585a",
"hash_nft_count": "1",
"from_address": "0x36afaa72178efea27697703eed464ed5773ce9f4",
"to_address": "0x0b0556b56b1c8f265a737b7148f3372d6c8d47d7",
"date": "2022-09-26T20:17:59.000Z",
"quantity": "1",
"price": "1725", // transacted sales price
"price_currency": "DAI", // currency transacted in
"price_usd": "1724.88355834770006", // price in US dollars when transacted
"price_native": "1.30300709703248114278",// price in native token [ETH or POL(formerly MATIC)]
"title": "Pricing in Tokens Endpoints"
[/block]The following Tokens endpoints will return pricing when our algorithms are able to correctly attribute it:
- Get All Nfts
- Get All N,
"erc20_transfers": e Tokens endpoints will only return the most recent pricing which could be correctly attributed. This may not mean this is the most recent price. **
Use the Transfers Endpoints to see the full history.
Pricing in Transfers EndpointsThe following Transfers endpoints will return pricing when our algorithms are able to correctly attribute it:
- Get All Transfers
- Get All Transfers of Collection
- Get All Transfers of NFT
- Get All Transfers of Owner
*Note: Each transfer record will have the corresponding price when our algorithms are able to correctly attribute it.
The currency array will be populated with all transfers that contributed to the total price. This includes both any native currencies (MATIC/polygon and ETH/ethereum) as well as ERC20 Tokens in major known currencies. When both are present, the ERC20 currency will be normalized into the respective native currency for the price.
We will continue to add to this list and welcome your input
The erc20_transfers array will be populated with any additional ERC20 tokens which did not contribute to the price, but represent important information for use cases such as swap where additional currency was exchanged, for example: Uniswap V3 Position NFT
Pricing in Tokens Endpoints
The following Tokens endpoints will return pricing when our algorithms are able to correctly attribute it:
- Get All NFTs
- Get All NFTs of Collection
- Get Single NFT
Note: the Tokens endpoints will only return the most recent pricing which could be correctly attributed. This may not mean this is the most recent price.
Use the Transfers Endpoints to see the full history.
Pricing in Transfers Endpoints
The following Transfers endpoints will return pricing when our algorithms are able to correctly attribute it:
- Get All Transfers
- Get All Transfers of Collection
- Get All Transfers of NFT
- Get All Transfers of Owner
Note: Each transfer record will have the corresponding price when our algorithms are able to correctly attribute it.